In Why is there no base class in C++?, I quoted Stroustrup on why a common Object class for all classes is problematic in c++. In that quote there is the statement:
Using a universal base class implies cost: Objects must be heap-allocated to be polymorphic;
I really didn't look twice at it, and since its on Bjarnes home page I would suppose a lot of eyes have scanned that sentence and reported any misstatements.
A commenter however pointed out that this is probably not the case, and in retrospect I can't find any good reason why this should be true. A short test case yields the expected result of VDerived::f()
struct VBase {
virtual void f() { std::cout <<"VBase::f()\n"; }
struct VDerived: VBase {
void f() { std::cout << "VDerived::f()\n"; }
void test(VBase& obj) {
int main() {
VDerived obj;
Of course if the formal argument to test was test(VBase obj)
the case would be totally different, but that would not be a stack vs. heap argument but rather copy semantics.
Is Bjarne flat out wrong or am I missing something here?
Addendum: I should point out that Bjarne has added to the original FAQ that
Yes. I have simplified the arguments; this is an FAQ, not an academic paper.
I understand and sympathize with Bjarnes point. Also I suppose my eyes was one of the pairs scanning that sentence.
Looks like polymorphism to me.
Polymorphism in C++ works when you have indirection; that is, either a pointer-to-T
or a reference-to-T
. Where T
is stored is completely irrelevant.
Bjarne also makes the mistake of saying "heap-allocated" which is technically inaccurate.
(Note: this doesn't mean that a universal base class is "good"!)