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Specific activity not opening from notification click when the app is not in foreground(app is in recents, not killed!)

I want to open a specific activity on notification click. But when the application is in the background, it doent open. I am not even passing the extras(ie, the data). I just want to open the activity and according to user logged in, i do some tasks. I even tried to open my default launcher activity on the notification click and send the user to notification activity from there. Here's the code of my default launcher activity: PS: I am sending the message from the firebase console, but it only has title and body.

(This is the function i call after doing my network task:)

        if (list.size()!=0){
            for (int i=0;i<list.size();i++){
                Users u=list.get(i);
                //Toast.makeText(LoginActivity.this, "Logging in...", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
                final Intent intent;
                Bundle b=new Bundle();
// This is the solution i found to check whether the extras has the package name or not! But it doesnt seem to work.
                if (Splashscreen.this.getIntent().getExtras() != null){
                    if (Splashscreen.this.getIntent().hasExtra("pushnotification") || Splashscreen.this.getIntent().getExtras().containsKey("com.tracecost")){
                        System.out.println("From notification----------->");
                        intent=new Intent(Splashscreen.this,NotificationReceivedActivity.class);
                        intent=new Intent(Splashscreen.this, ProjectSelection.class);
                    intent=new Intent(Splashscreen.this, ProjectSelection.class);

                Handler handler=new Handler();
                handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {



  • You can redirect from the Firebase notification when the app is in Foreground or Background as far as you send in data.

    I will provide you an example of how to redirect between activities based on key received from the notification, firebase magically handles the rest.

    P.S: If you want to handle the activity that is already open in the background, use taskAffinity to play around.

    Handle the Firebase data through FirebaseMessagingService:

    public void onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
        System.out.println("MESSAGE BODY :" + remoteMessage.toString());
        if (remoteMessage.getData().size() > 0) {
            //getting the title and the body
            String redirect;
            String title = remoteMessage.getData().get("message_title");
            String body = remoteMessage.getData().get("message_body");
            redirect = remoteMessage.getData().get("redirect");
            String event_id = remoteMessage.getData().get("event_id");
            System.out.println("PUSH MESSAGE = " + remoteMessage.toString());
            JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject(remoteMessage.getData());
            System.out.println("RESPONSE :" + jsonData.toString());
            if (redirect != null) {
                sendNotification(title, body, event_id, redirect);
            } else {
                redirect = "";
                sendNotification(title, body, event_id, redirect);
    private void sendNotification(String title, String body, String event_id, String redirect) {
        Intent backIntent = new Intent();
        PendingIntent pendingIntent;
        if (redirect.contentEquals("CHAT")) {
            backIntent = new Intent(MyFirebaseMessagingService.this, ChatScreen.class);
            backIntent.putExtra("item_id", event_id);
        if (redirect.contentEquals("EVENT") || redirect.contentEquals("INVITATION")) {
            backIntent = new Intent(MyFirebaseMessagingService.this, Event_Summary.class);
            backIntent.putExtra("event_id", event_id);
        backIntent.putExtra("MODE", "FIRE_NOTIFICATION");
        TaskStackBuilder stackBuilder = TaskStackBuilder.create(this);
        pendingIntent = stackBuilder.getPendingIntent(0, PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT);