I have this code below. How to generate multiple PDF's depending on the data of a while loop? Right now it generates only one PDF. Example if there are 5 employees it should generate also 5 PDF's with each PDF have unique employee name.Thanks Much.
<?php session_start() ; ?>
<?php include "../db_connection301.php" ; ?>
<?php include "../db_connection302.php" ; ?>
<?php include "../db_connection303.php" ; ?>
<?php include "../db_connection304.php" ; ?>
<?php include "../db_connection305.php" ; ?>
$pdf = new FPDI();
$query_data = "SELECT * FROM alphalist_compen_2019";
$result_alphalist = mysqli_query($connection303, $query_data ) ;
while ($row_alphalist = mysqli_fetch_array($result_alphalist)) {
$ee_numbers = $row_alphalist['EE_NUMBER'] ;
$last_name = $row_alphalist['LAST_NAME'] ;
$first_name = $row_alphalist['FIRST_NAME'] ;
$employee_name = $first_name." ".$last_name ;
$pageCount = $pdf->setSourceFile('C:/wamp64/www/dbsmypay.com/bus_partners/BIR-forms/2316-new.pdf') ;
$tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1, '/MediaBox') ;
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false) ;
$pdf->addPage('P', 'Legal') ; // SETTING THE PAPER SIZE OF THE PDF
$pdf->useTemplate($tplIdx, 8, 12, 200, 320) ; // SETTING THE MARGIN LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM
$pdf->SetFont('Arial') ;
$pdf->SetFontSize(10) ;
$pdf->SetTextColor(12, 12, 12) ;
$pdf->SetXY(46, 283) ;
$pdf->Write(0, $employee_name) ;
$file_location = "C:/wamp64/www/dbsmypay.com/per-day/bir-2316/2019/".$ee_numbers.".pdf" ;
$pdf->Output($file_location,'F') ;
Put your $pdf = new FPDI();
and your $pdf->Output($file_location,'F') ;
in the while loop like this:
<?php session_start() ; ?>
<?php include "../db_connection301.php" ; ?>
<?php include "../db_connection302.php" ; ?>
<?php include "../db_connection303.php" ; ?>
<?php include "../db_connection304.php" ; ?>
<?php include "../db_connection305.php" ; ?>
$query_data = "SELECT * FROM alphalist_compen_2019";
$result_alphalist = mysqli_query($connection303, $query_data ) ;
while ($row_alphalist = mysqli_fetch_array($result_alphalist)) {
$pdf = new FPDI();
$ee_numbers = $row_alphalist['EE_NUMBER'] ;
$last_name = $row_alphalist['LAST_NAME'] ;
$first_name = $row_alphalist['FIRST_NAME'] ;
$employee_name = $first_name." ".$last_name ;
$pageCount = $pdf->setSourceFile('C:/wamp64/www/dbsmypay.com/bus_partners/BIR-forms/2316-new.pdf') ;
$tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1, '/MediaBox') ;
$pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(false) ;
$pdf->addPage('P', 'Legal') ; // SETTING THE PAPER SIZE OF THE PDF
$pdf->useTemplate($tplIdx, 8, 12, 200, 320) ; // SETTING THE MARGIN LEFT TOP RIGHT BOTTOM
$pdf->SetFont('Arial') ;
$pdf->SetFontSize(10) ;
$pdf->SetTextColor(12, 12, 12) ;
$pdf->SetXY(46, 283) ;
$pdf->Write(0, $employee_name) ;
$file_location = "C:/wamp64/www/dbsmypay.com/per-day/bir-2316/2019/".$ee_numbers.".pdf" ;
$pdf->Output($file_location,'F') ;