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Error in Serializing "c:\path\path" [Errno 13] Permission Denied: C:\\path\\path

I created one test one test case in Ride using Robot framework. while running am getting the error.

I updated the path of python. I updated the library and Ride. I changed the folder and it didn't work

*** Settings ***
Documentation     This is a simple test with Robot Framework
Library           SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${BROWSER}        chrome
${DELAY}          0

*** Keywords ***
Open Browser To Login Page
    Open Browser    ${SERVER}    ${BROWSER}
    Maximize Browser Window
    Set Selenium Speed    ${DELAY}

Expected Result should allow to run the test case. Actual result and getting the "Error in Serializing"enter image description here


  • This is a issue in the Ride. It looks like once you add a test case as .robot and added a manual script, ride have a issue in saving the file as a Test Suite.

    I guess this is the issue you are facing : Check the image -

    There are two workarounds to resolve the issue

    Work around 1

    With out adding the test steps soon after you created the test case,

    • Create and save the test case name
    • Close Ride
    • Re-Open ride (Now you'll be able to add the test cases and save them with out any issue)

    Adding Test Suite and Test Case: Adding Test Suite and Test Case Editing Test Cases: Editing Test Cases

    Work around 2

    Add the test.robot file manually in your working directly. Then you'll be able to directly edit and save the test cases

    Manual addition of test cases and editing: enter image description here

    Hope this helps Cheers