Supposed I have some sample data in table_name_a
as below:
code val remark date
1 00001 500 111 20191108
2 00001 1000 222 20191107
3 00002 200 111 20191108
4 00002 400 222 20191108
5 00001 200 333 20191108
6 00001 400 444 20191108
And I have a SQL query as below:
SELECT t.code,
sum(CASE WHEN t.remark IN ('111', '222', '333')
THEN t.value ELSE 0 END) AS sum_123
FROM table_name_a t
WHERE t.code='00001' and'20191108'
GROUP BY t.code
Output as below:
code sum_123
1 00001 1100
Now I would like to create a view or procedure use above SQL query(Oracle), we don't want a new column, is it possible to let sum_123
store into remark
column? Supposed if I use below SQL query
SELECT t.code, t.value
FROM table_name_a t
WHERE t.remark='sum_123' and t.code='00001' and'20191108'
GROUP BY t.code
and if I use above SQL query, my expected output as below:
code val remark date
1 00001 1100 sum_123 20191108
Is it possible to use create view/procedure save remark
and val
with sum_123
and the value/result
of 1100? Thanks so much for any advice.
Is this what you want?
select t.code,
sum(case when t.remark IN ('111', '222', '333') then t.value else 0 end) as val,
'sum_123' as remark,
from table_name_a t
where t.code = '00001' and = '20191108'
group by t.code, date;