Today I tried to enable remote connections to a SQL Server that is physically located on a different country. I do have access to it through Remote Desktop, however I can't connect through my local SQL Server Management Studio client. I get a network error that states the server was not found or is not accessible (Network Interface Error 26).
I already tried the following:
(both TCP and UDP, allowing connections from everywhere)The server name has the structure ServerName\InstanceName
and I can login with both SQL Server and Windows authentication.
Could someone please give me a hand with this?
If you have a named instance i.e. SERVER\INSTANCE, it's highly unlikely that it would have been on 1433. It would have been a dynamic port and using the SQL browser service.
Was it still set to a dynamic port (i.e. the default)? If so, was 1434 allowed as well?
Was anything else on 1433? (i.e. a default instance)?
Have you tried connecting to the IP address, and port directly? i.e x.x.x.x,port