I am writing a stored procedure where I need to define a temporary row when looping through a set of values and then reference attributes of that temporary row in the update statements that follow. Here is my stored procedure:
create or replace procedure updateReputation(sentID int)
as $$
declare temprow peoplereviews%rowtype;
declare grade double precision = getRuleGrade(sentID);
for temprow in select pr.reviewerid as rid, pr.rulereviewid as rri, pr.rulereview as rr, r.reputation as r
from peoplereviews pr inner join sentencerules sr on pr.sentenceid = sr.sentenceid
inner join reviewers r on pr.reviewerid = r.reviewerid
where pr.sentenceid = sentID
and sr.taggedruleid = pr.rulereviewid
if (grade > .5) then
if (temprow.rr = 1) then
update reviewers
set reputation = temprow.r + 10
where reviewerid = temprow.rid;
update reviewers
set reputation = temprow.r - 10
where reviewerid = temprow.rid;
end if;
if (temprow.rr = 0) then
update reviewers
set reputation = temprow.r + 10
where reviewerid = temprow.rid;
update reviewers
set reputation = temprow.r - 10
where reviewerid = temprow.rid;
end if;
end if;
end loop;
$$ language plpgsql;
When I call this I get the error:
ERROR: record "temprow" has no field "rr"
CONTEXT: SQL statement "SELECT (temprow.rr = 1)"
PL/pgSQL function updatereputation(integer) line 12 at IF
SQL state: 42703
I also tried not using aliases and writing it as temprow.pr.rulereview for example, and got this error:
missing FROM-clause entry for table "pr"
LINE 1: SELECT (temprow.pr.rulereview = 1)
QUERY: SELECT (temprow.pr.rulereview = 1)
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function updatereputation(integer) line 12 at IF
SQL state: 42P01
So I am wondering if you can use an alias in this situation and if not, what the best way is to reference the attributes of the temporary row.
Sidestepping your issue with the attributes of the declared row type, you don't need any of that complicated PL/PGSQL code. You can use a single SQL UPDATE
command with a FROM
list to join against:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE updateReputation(sentID int)
AS $$
UPDATE reviewers r
SET reputation = reputation + (CASE WHEN
pr.rulereview = (getRuleGrade(sentID) > .5)::int
FROM peoplereviews pr
INNER JOIN sentencerules sr ON (pr.sentenceid = sr.sentenceid
AND pr.rulereviewid = sr.taggedruleid)
WHERE pr.reviewerid = r.reviewerid -- this is the join
AND pr.sentenceid = sentID;