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How do I only build the jar-WITHOUT-dependencies in Maven?

I'm compiling Kotlin(JRE) and deploying it to a little robot. I've had very good luck creating a jar-with-dependencies, thank you StackOverflow.


But the jar is BIG, like 25mb big. The jar without the dependencies is a totally sane 26kb, which really makes a difference because packaging up that big JAR is slow, then I have to scp deploy it to the bot every time.

I was able to preload all the dependencies into a folder on the bot, via mvn dependency:copy-dependencies and copying them over. (again, thank you StackOverflow). Now I need an easy way to set a property that will make it JUST compile and copy the target/MYBOT-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar and not bother trying to compile the target/MYBOT-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar file every time.


  • Set the property <assembly.skipAssembly> to true (in the <properties> section of your POM). Then the jar-with-dependencies will not be built.