as mentioned quiet similar in the header, may someone tell me, how can I create an own custom-relative-unit-path for the lazarus IDE (version: 2.0.6) .
The IDE has alreaday some internal $(RelativePaths) but I would like to create my own ones and setting them up in the "other unit paths" and finally use them of course ^^
i wanna do somewhere like: "$(MyCustomPath) = C:\Lazarus(someotherpathhere..)"
and put $(MyCustompath) in the "other unit" line and have it work ^^
Below what I would like to see :-)
Best regards
I think the way to do this may be to use Lazarus IDE macros.
See for full documentation.
In the section IDE Macros it says
IDE macros: they can be used in almost all IDE fields, e.g. search paths, custom options, file names, run parameters. They are replaced with their value before calling external tools like the compiler or the debugger. They are case insensitive.
and the IDE macro format section includes a few examples of ones which are already defined.
Creating macros is explained here:
To set a macro up for the current project, do the following:
Next, in the directory that MyCustomPath points to, create a unit e.g. Test.Pas that includes a compile stopper like an ! I used
unit Test
Add Test.Pas to the project's Uses list and attempt to compile. The compiler should complain that it can't find Test.Pas.
Next, open Project | Project Options | Compiler Options | Paths and in the Other unit files
box at the top insert $(MyCustomPath)
Close Project Options and compile - now the compilation should proceed until it encounters the compile-stopping ! in Test.Pas