I have a regression model like this:
glm(formula = DV ~ as.factor(IV), family = "binomial", data = df)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) -2.104e+01 3.956e+03 -0.005 0.9958
as.factor(IV)AAA 2.626e-01 2.962e-01 0.887 0.3752
as.factor(IV)BBB 4.150e-01 3.176e-01 1.307 0.1913
as.factor(IV)CCC 8.060e-01 3.551e-01 2.270 0.0232 *
as.factor(IV)DDD 2.640e+00 3.210e-01 8.222 < 2e-16 ***
Using stargazer
, I would like to reorder the output. I want to change the order of entries to "as.factor(IV)BBB", "as.factor(IV)AAA", "as.factor(IV)DDD", "as.factor(IV)CCC"
and rename them to c("BBB", "AAA", "DDD", "CCC")
; I have tried with this and similar calls:
stargazer(model, type = "html", out = "./out/test.html",
title = "Title", order = c("as.factor(IV)BBB", "as.factor(IV)AAA",
"as.factor(IV)DDD", "as.factor(IV)CCC")
Unfortunately, I can neither get it to work nor find help in the documentation.
You can use the numeric indexes to change the order and then rename using covariate.labels
stargazer(model, type = "html", out = "./out/test.html",
title = "Title", order = c(2, 1, 4, 3), covariate.labels = c("BBB", "AAA", "DDD", "CCC"))