I have a markdown file (*.md) containing the following text:
Aliquam posuere
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit
tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et
BarPlot,bar.csv, Animal, Count, Animal Facts
I would like to read this markdown file and obtaining a list of 3 element that are, in the original *.md file, separated by an empty line. In other words, I'd like to get the following output:
result = [
'Aliquam posuere',
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et',
'BarPlot,bar.csv, Animal, Count, Animal Facts'
with len(result) = 3
Obviously you have to read in the file and split at a double linebreak (out of simplicity I take a string) like this:
s = """Aliquam posuere
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit
tempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et
BarPlot,bar.csv, Animal, Count, Animal Facts
result = s.split('\n\n')
result = result [:-1]
You get a list of length 4 because you have a double linebreak at the end. Just remove the last item and you got your desired output:
result = ['Aliquam posuere',
'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec hendrerit\ntempor tellus. Donec pretium posuere tellus. Proin quam nisl, tincidunt et',
'BarPlot,bar.csv, Animal, Count, Animal Facts']