I am very new to all things Microsoft and Azure and am not even sure that I have selected the correct tags for the question.
In the Azure service source code (that I have inherited from a colleague) the following code fails with "Host not found" because the request is not going through the corporate web proxy (when I run the code at home network, then the call succeeds):
OpenIdConnectConfiguration openidConfiguration =
OpenIdConnectConfigurationRetriever.GetAsync(metadataEndpoint, CancellationToken.None).Result;
If I create a WebProxy object by calling:
WebProxy proxy = new WebProxy("10.xxx.xxx.xxx", 8080);
then how could I please pass it to the OpenIdConnectConfigurationRetriever?
Should I maybe switch to using another .GetAsync
public static Task<OpenIdConnectConfiguration>
GetAsync(string address, HttpClient httpClient, CancellationToken cancel);
Or should I maybe use a BackchannelHttpHandler
(not sure what it is, comes up during my searches)
Solved that by:
WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy = new WebProxy("http://10.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080", true);