Search code examples

Remove .0 from a string in python

I'm reading a file called MissingItems.txt, the contents of which is a lsit of bar codes and looks like this

[3000000.0, 5000000.0, 6000000.0, 7000000.0, 8000000.0, 1234567.0, 1234568.0, 9876543.0, 3000001.0, 5000001.0, 6000001.0, 7000001.0, 8000001.0, 1234561.0, 1234561.0, 9876541.0, 6000002.0, 7000002.0, 8000002.0, 1234562.0, 1234562.0, 9876542.0,9876543.0,9876544.0]

I have replaced the square brackets and then split the line as below

OpenFile = open(r"G:MissingItems.txt","r")

for line in OpenFile:
    remove = line.replace('[','')
    remove1 = remove.replace(']','')
    plates = remove1.split(",")
    Plate1 = plates[0]
    Plate2 = plates[1]
    Plate3 = plates[2]
    Plate4 = plates[3]
    Plate5 = plates[4]
    Plate6 = plates[5]
    Plate7 = plates[6]
    Plate8 = plates[7]
    Plate9 = plates[8]
    Plate10 = plates[9]
    Plate11 = plates[10]
    Plate12 = plates[11]
    Plate13 = plates[12]
    Plate14 = plates[13]
    Plate15 = plates[14]
    Plate16 = plates[15]
    Plate17 = plates[16]
    Plate18 = plates[17]
    Plate19 = plates[18]
    Plate20 = plates[19]
    Plate21 = plates[20]
    Plate22 = plates[21]
    Plate23 = plates[22]
    Plate24 = plates[23]

Is there a way to remove the .0 from the bar codes, preferable before splitting? So I would get '3000000', rather than '3000000.0'. I've tried to use replace, but I'm not sure how to get it to recognize they are at the end of the bar codes.


  • This is one approach using ast.literal_eval and int.


    import ast
    with open(r"G:MissingItems.txt","r") as infile:
        for line in infile:
            plates = [int(i) for i in ast.literal_eval(line.strip())]
            # --> [3000000, 5000000, 6000000, 7000000, 8000000, 1234567, 1234568, 9876543, 3000001, 5000001, 6000001, 7000001, 8000001, 1234561, 1234561, 9876541, 6000002, 7000002, 8000002, 1234562, 1234562, 9876542, 9876543, 9876544]