So I'm trying to setup a local environment with ddev for the first time. I got it running, cloned my live files with git and imported my DB.
Site ain't working and got this in the log :
Uncaught PHP Exception Twig\Error\SyntaxError: "Unknown "link_attributes" filter." at /var/www/html/web/themes/customs/myTheme/templates/menu--main.html.twig
Any pointer how to fix that ? I did :
ddev exec drush en link_attributes
Which outputs
[notice] Already enabled: link_attributes
I just found out that it's from the module twig_link_attributes, not link_attributes... When I saw the error and scrolled through the module list, I looked into link_attributes to make sure it was downloaded and enabled. It's the wrong one.
My twig_link_attributes folder is empty cause it's a git submodule and it didn't download. Gonna fix that and I should be good. Damn filter named the same as another module D: