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PHP extract data from xml nodes with same name

I am trying to extract values from a review xml file with deep node structure. I need to extract data from the parent node "reviews->reviews" AND from the child node "rating" WHERE 'questionGroup' = "DEFAULT_OPINION". I tried several code variants, but can't find a solution to get both values after searching for quite a while.

This is a part of the xml file:

    <city>Haarlem </city>
            <questionTranslation>Totaal score</questionTranslation>
            <rating>Perfecte service en mooie kwaliteit bord. </rating>
            <questionTranslation>Beschrijf uw ervaring in een regel</questionTranslation>
            De service is perfect. Tijdens het bestelproces werden mijn vragen beantwoord middels chat berichtjes via de website. Het bord werd netjes verpakt geleverd en is van mooie                 kwaliteit. Erg blij mee.
            <questionTranslation>Beschrijf uw ervaring</questionTranslation>

This is my current code:

$xml = simplexml_load_file("");
$reviewContents = $xml->xpath('//reviewContent[questionGroup="DEFAULT_OPINION"]/rating');

foreach ($xml->reviews->reviews as $review){
          echo '<div class="kiyoh-shop-snippets"  style="{$show_rating|escape:"htmlall":"UTF-8"}"><div class="rating-box"><div class="rating"  style="width:' . ($review->rating*10) . '%"></div></div></div>';
    echo 'Naam: '.$review->reviewAuthor.'<br>';
    echo 'Woonplaats: '.$review->city.'<br>';
    echo 'Review: '.$review->reviewContent->reviewContent->rating.'<br>';

I also tried:

$xml = simplexml_load_file("");

  foreach($xml->xpath('//reviewContent') as $item) {

    $row = simplexml_load_string($item->asXML());
    $v = $row->xpath('//questionGroup[. ="DEFAULT_OPINION"]');
        print $item->reviewAuthor.'<br>';
        print $item->city.'<br>';
        print $item->rating.'<br>';


In the first code I get the results with name and city and the rating from the first node. In the second code I get the review I would like to display as ratingvalue, but not the parentnode data. How do I get this review data together with the results of the first code?


  • You have to loop through your review content and add condition for getting review for particular question group type

    $xml = simplexml_load_file("");
    foreach ($xml->reviews->reviews as $review) {
      echo '<div class="kiyoh-shop-snippets"  style="{$show_rating|escape:"htmlall":"UTF-8"}"><div class="rating-box"><div class="rating"  style="width:' . ($review->rating * 10) . '%"></div></div></div>';
      echo 'Naam: ' . $review->reviewAuthor . '<br>';
      echo 'Woonplaats: ' . $review->city . '<br>';
      foreach ($review->reviewContent->reviewContent as $content) {
        if ($content->questionGroup == 'DEFAULT_OPINION') {
          echo 'Review: ' . $content->rating . '<br>';