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How can I use UTIs to get a list of video files in a directory that are playable by AVPlayer?

I've been trying to find out how to use UTIs (Unified Type Identifier) on macOS in swift, but have not been able to find anything. Does anyone know how I could use UTIs to get a list of video files in a directory that are playable by AVPlayer?


  • Using Hiroki Kato's UTIKit (

        let dir = URL(fileURLWithPath: "./your_dir_here")
        let mimeTypes = AVURLAsset.audiovisualMIMETypes()
        let playableUtis = { UTI(mimeType: $0)! }
        let dirContents = try! FileManager.default.contentsOfDirectory(at: dir, includingPropertiesForKeys: nil, options: [.skipsHiddenFiles])
        let movies = dirContents.filter { UTI("") ~= UTI(filenameExtension: $0.pathExtension) }
        let playableMovies = movies.filter {
            guard let movieUti = UTI(filenameExtension: $0.pathExtension) else {
                return false
            return playableUtis.contains(movieUti)

    Now playableMovies contains only movie-files playable by AVPlayer.