I creating comments system. I'm blocked. because I want to make the paragraph change into an input after clicking on edit. This is my code :
<section class="modal-card-body">
<p v-html="modalData.description" />
<section class="modal-card-body">
<article class="media">
<figure class="media-left">
<p class="image is-64x64">
<img src="https://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png">
<div class="media-content">
<div class="content">
<strong>Barbara Middleton</strong>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis porta eros lacus, nec ultricies elit blandit non. Suspendisse pellentesque mauris sit amet dolor blandit rutrum. Nunc in tempus turpis.
<small> <a>Edit</a> · <a @click="openDeleteModal()">Usuń</a> · 3hrs</small>
<article class="media">
<figure class="media-left">
<p class="image is-64x64">
<img src="https://bulma.io/images/placeholders/128x128.png">
<div class="media-content">
<form @submit.prevent="addComment">
<div class="field">
<p class="control">
<textarea v-model="contentComment" class="textarea" placeholder="Add a comment..." required />
<div class="field">
<p class="control">
Dodaj komentarz
I found the desired effect in trello in the comments section. Can someone help me?
This is my working example:
Vue.component("comment", {
template: "#comment",
data() {
return {
edit: false,
content: this.value
props: {
author: String,
value: String
methods: {
doEdit() {
this.edit = true;
doSave() {
this.edit = false;
this.$emit("input", this.content);
Vue.component("comments", {
template: "#comments",
data() {
return {
comments: [
id: 1,
author: "Fus",
message: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit."
id: 2,
author: "Ro",
message: "Etiam nec sapien non arcu faucibus gravida at nec felis."
id: 3,
author: "Dah",
"In ac felis libero. Morbi placerat sit amet nisi eu ultrices."
new Vue().$mount("#app");
.author {
margin: 5px;
max-width: 300px;
border: 1px dashed gray;
background-color: silver;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/vue/2.5.17/vue.js"></script>
<div id="app">
<script type="text/x-template" id="comments">
<comment v-for="item in comments" v-model="item.message" :author="item.author" :key="item.id"></comment>
<script type="text/x-template" id="comment">
<div class="author">Who: {{ author }}</div>
<div v-if="edit"><textarea v-model="content"></textarea></div>
<div v-else class="content">{{ value }}</div>
<button v-if="edit" @click="doSave">Save</button>
<button v-else @click="doEdit">Edit</button>