I have a MATLAB figure with an axes containing a scatter plot. Every point on this scatter plot has a signal data array associated with it. I want to take user input as point selection from scatter plot and plot the corresponding signal data in another axes on the same figure.
Combine a global definition of your second axes with an UpdateFcn on the datacursor. See example below, which generates a sine wave based on a random variable selected.
function getSelectedDataPoint()
% create figure
fig = figure;
% make second axes a global to adress in myupdatefcn
global ax2
% define axes
ax1 = axes('parent',fig,'position',[0.05 0.05 0.9 0.4]);
ax2 = axes('parent',fig,'position',[0.05 0.55 0.9 0.4]);
% Random scatter
% Set datacursormode to on
dcm_obj = datacursormode(fig);
datacursormode on
% Specify objective function for clock
% Define objective function
function text = myupdatefcn(~,obj)
text = sprintf('X: %f \n Y: %f',[obj.Position(1),obj.Position(2)]);
% Find corresponding signal
id = find(and(obj.Position(1) == obj.Target.XData,obj.Position(2) ==
% Do your thing with the signals
x = 0:0.1:100;
y = sin(obj.Target.XData(id)*x);
% plot on second axes