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Sphinx and reStructuredText: pass parameter in include directive

I am a newbie in Sphinx and reStructuredText.

I have n rst files in which I would like to insert a similar text (not code):

Hello Earth.


Hello Mars.


Hello Saturn.

My idea is to include in my rst files a common rst file.

.. include:: planet.rst

with planet.rst and a placeholder for the planet in this file:

Hello <planet>.

My current solution is: planet.rst:

Hello Earth.
Hello Mars.
Hello Saturn.

and in my n rst files, e.g. for planet Mars:

.. include:: planet.rst
   :start-line: 1
   :end-line: 2

I am looking for a better solution.

I didn't found a purposeful option for the include directive in

How can I pass a parameter (variable/value) to the included file to replace placeholder?

Thank's for your hints Thomas


  • The directive for "Replacement Text (replace)" should work with included files.


    Hello |planet|.


    .. |planet| replace:: Earth
    .. include:: planet.rst