I solved the coin changing problem on leetcode https://leetcode.com/problems/coin-change-2/.
This is the code I wrote:
def change(self, amount: int, coins: List[int]) -> int:
def helper(amount, coins, ind):
if amount == 0:
return 1
if amount < 0:
return 0
if (amount, ind) in dp:
return dp[(amount, ind)]
res = 0
for i in range(ind, len(coins)):
res += helper(amount - coins[i], coins, i)
dp[(amount, ind)] = res
return res
dp = {}
return helper(amount, coins, 0)
And I notice I struggle a lot with analyzing the time complexities of algorithms with memoization. For example in this case I think we have amount * number of coins
sub-problems --> hence the algorithm runs in O(amount * number of coins * number of coins)
the second number of coins in my factor comes from the fact that for each sub-problem we have to go through the loop for i in range(ind, len(coins)):
to add up the results.
However it seems that this solution is actually O(amount * number of coins)
from what I read (and the bottom up approach is O(amount * number of coins)
). What is the right answer ?
I seem to struggle a lot with loops inside recursive functions, it sometimes seem like we count them in the time complexity, and other times they are already "priced in" in the sub-problems like I suspect is the case here.
As Enrico Borba commented:
Your analysis seems correct to me. You have O(amount * number of coins)
cells in your table and to compute any cell in the table you run a loop (number of coins) times. The code you wrote has this complexity. It's likely that there is a different algorithm that has O(amount * number of coins) complexity.
– Enrico Borba