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Convert HierarchyId to Hex string in C#, get raw ("representation") value for CSV export

So... for a CSV export from a SQL Server database, using C# and Entity Framework, I need to get the raw value of HierarchyId.

The raw value looks like that in SSMS: 0x29F9DC and the output in my CSV is like that: /-25/-5/.

The CSV is generated using a StringBuilder, each line of my entity is transform via a ToCsv method:

return IdClassificationEc + ";" + Libelle + ";" + Complement;

where IdclassificationEc is a hierarchyId.

With or without a ToString, I get the readable value and there is no known way to get the raw, hex, value.

Using T-SQL, I was able to get the good value on a string using this:


Please, help me with this frustrating issue :'(


  • On SQL Server side:

    declare @hid hierarchyid = '/1/1/1/';
        v1 = convert(varchar(1000), cast(@hid as varbinary(892)), 1), -- = 0x5AD6
        v2 = convert(varchar(1000), cast(@hid as varbinary(892)), 2); -- = 5AD6

    In C#:

    using System;
    using Microsoft.SqlServer.Types;
    using System.IO;
    public class Program
        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("Conversion of SqlHierarchyId to Hex string:");
            var hid = SqlHierarchyId.Parse("/1/-1.12/-2.2.39/");    
            Console.WriteLine(HierarchyIdToHexString(hid)); // = 0x5A2C9F9D93E0 
        private static String HierarchyIdToHexString(SqlHierarchyId hid) 
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
            using (var binWriter = new BinaryWriter(ms))
                var byteString = BitConverter.ToString(ms.ToArray()).Replace("-","");
                return String.Format("0x{0}", byteString);          

    Here is the working example on

    @Uranne, use HierarchyIdToHexString() method in your ToCsv().