I am reading a .xlxs file using pandas library and extracting the dataframe
. Now I am trying to create a file with .ods extension and write the dataframe
into it using pyexcel_ods library.
Here is my code :--
import pandas as pd
from pyexcel_ods import save_data
from collections import OrderedDict
self.current_df = pd.read_excel('filename')
data = OrderedDict()
save_data("as.ods", data)
It is throwing Error
{TypeError}'int' object is not iterable
Feel free to ask for more code.
Note :-- I am using Python 3.
Soham try this, I think the issue with your solution is that the save_data
function from py_ods is not getting the data in the format that it needs.
The explanation is in the comments.
# coding: utf-8
import pandas as pd
from pyexcel_ods import save_data
from collections import OrderedDict
def save_ods_from_excel(excel_file, target_ods_file):
# First read into dataframe
df = pd.read_excel(excel_file)
# Change everything to string since we're just writing
df = df.astype(str)
# Initiliaze data to be written as an empty list, as pyods needs a list to write
whole_data_list = []
# Initiliaze the empty dict() for the data
d = OrderedDict()
# Write the columns first to be the first entries
# loop through data frame and update the data list
for index, row in df.iterrows():
# Populate dict() with updated data list
d.update({"Moved sheet": whole_data_list})
# Finally call save_data() from pyods to store the ods file
save_data(target_ods_file, d)
Tried the above with this data from microsoft
>>> save_ods_from_excel('/Users/gkm/Downloads/Financial Sample.xlsx', '/tmp/sample-financial.ods')
More info the pyexcel ods docs