Say we have the following in MATLAB:
xs = -50:50;
ys = -50:50;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(xs,ys);
rs = (X.^2 + Y.^2).^(1/2);
c = contourf(X,Y,rs,[60,60]);
How do I estimate the area of the white area?
This is a test case, usually I do not know the equation for the level set.
Note that the level set intersects with the boundary, and I cannot just increase the domain size to avoid that (in the non-test case).
EDIT: If you want to approximate the white area also beyond the boundaries, then the below approach obviously won't work. I just realized, there's scope of interpretation regarding your wording.
If you at least know the threshold contour level (here it seems to be 60
) than you can just count the amount of "pixels" below that threshold, and calculate the area with respect to x
and y
Here's some exemplary code (I modified your code, too):
x = -50:0.1:50;
y = -50:0.1:50;
[X, Y] = meshgrid(x, y);
Z = (X.^2 + Y.^2).^(1/2);
c = contourf(X, Y, Z, [60, 60]);
% Total amount of pixels representing the area
a_pixels_total = length(x) * length(y)
% Amount of pixels below given contour level
a_pixels_below = sum(Z(:) <= 60)
% Total area in units
a_unit_total = (x(end) - x(1)) * (y(end) - y(1))
% Percentage of area below the given contour level in units
a_unit_perc = a_pixels_below / a_pixels_total * a_unit_total
The output then is:
a_pixels_total = 1002001
a_pixels_perc = 952233
a_unit_total = 10000
a_unit_perc = 9503.3
Hope that helps!