I have the following .check on my returned body: (I changed the values for security reasons but the structure is the same)
.exec(http("Get ids")
.check(jsonPath("$...Types..[?(@.Type == 'web')].id").findAll.saveAs("IDLlist"))
But the transaction fails with "Gettting findAll.exists extraction crashed: end of input expected when trying to extract values from a returned body"
Gatling prints the body of the failed transaction, when I take the exact body that the transaction had just failed on to http://jsonpath.com/ and evaluate the jsonpath that had just failed, I get good results with no issues. This means that the returned body is correct and that the jsonpath is also correct. What is the issue then?
Thanks to Stephane from the Gatling forum, I found that $..Files[?(@.Format == 'DASH_Web')].URL is correct works instead of the variation that I had.
Since http://jsonpath.com/ was able to extract the correct path using my original syntax, I think its important to note that Gatling jsonpath is much more conservative in its syntax.