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Ionic-Angular drop-down querying even after the selection

I am implementing a drop-down to list as i type in a column of a form. I have an observable running on this field to look for changes and query the database for available items. Everything works fine but if i select the item from the listed drop down, its still fires a query for that selected item since both valueChanges and distinctUntilChanged() will return true.

For example if i type java, the drop-down lists java and javascript and if i select javascript from the list , it goes ahead and query the db for javascript.

This sounds silly, but how to avoid this, I am entirely new to the UI side, any help is appreciated.

            (newValue) => {
<ion-label floating>My Drop DOWN field</ion-label>
<ion-input formControlName="myDropDownDesc"  value={{myObject?.myDropDownDescription}}>


  • You can set form control value with emitEvent:false on selecting option from dropdown list so it won't fire that valuechange event.

    Onselect or Onchange event of list you can call a function with below lines.

    this.myForm.controls['myDropDownDesc'].patchValue(selectedDropDownValue, {emitEvent:false});