on their website they have "announcements" made at various times saying that it is either prohibited or allowed. The latest announcement, as of September 2010, seems to say that it is allowed, but then maybe there are some more that I haven't located prohibiting it.
So what is the final truth of the matter now? Does Apple marketplace accept RunRev stuff or not?
The latest announcement is correct, and Apple is permitting apps built with [Livecode/Rev/whatever we're calling it this year] in the iOS App Store. The first one, I think, was Sheep Herder, but there are others.
Apple had initially said this was OK, then changed its mind during the Great Steve Versus Flash Incident of 2010. (Rev was collateral damage, along with all other non-Apple development platforms). Then it changed its mind back. So the situation changed several times before it stabilized, which is why the Rev blog and forum archives have different announcements at different times.