im a rookie in Python and trying to build a state machine. My idea was a dictionary. So when i enter a key i get a value. And with that i would like to switch a function.
def one():
return "January"
def two():
return "February"
def three():
return "March"
def four():
return "April"
def numbers_to_months(argument):
switcher = {
1: one,
2: two,
3: three,
4: four,
but i dont know how i could go on. My goal would be to use the values to use the function with same name. Could anyone of you help me with a idea?
It's not really a state machine, but what you probably mean is:
def numbers_to_months(argument):
switcher = {
1: one,
2: two,
3: three,
4: four,
func_to_call = switcher[argument]
or perhaps
def numbers_to_months(argument):
switcher = {
1: one,
2: two,
3: three,
4: four,
func_to_call = switcher[argument]
return func_to_call