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Can I do "on device testing" from europe

I am trying to test my capsule from my device.
steps taken to test it:

  • Privately published capsule on Bixby studio (accepted)
  • Linked Samsung account to Bixby team
  • Enabled developer options on phone (Samsung galaxy 9)
  • Enabled On device testing + entered revision ID as it appears on Bixby Studio
  • Entered command "test" to which my capsule should respond

When "test" has been entered Bixby responds with "I couldn't understand that. Here are some Capsules your can try." Unfortunately, it does NOT show me capsules I can try neither given me the expected response.

Important note (maybe): I live and try to test in an European country where the Bixby marketplace is not available yet. VPN to US does not help either.

Can I still test my capsule on my phone?


  • To do on-device testing from Europe, you need to provision Bixby in the US for the phone you want to do testing on.

    1. Go to Settings -> Apps -> Bixby Voice -> Storage Clear Data
    2. Same as(1) but for Bixby Service Plug in a US-based SIM card
    3. If you don't have a US-based SIM card, you can pull the SIM out and connect device via VPN to a US-based server.
    4. Start Bixby to start new provisioning process