Within my javascript file
$(".filter-popover").on("click hover", function (e) {
return true;
And within my html:
<a class='filter-popover' href='#' data-toggle="popover" data-placement='left' data-trigger='hover click' data-content='Filters are case insensitive. Prefix a value with < or > to filter for values that are less than or greater than'>
<i class="fa fa-question-circle" id='filter-info'></i>
The Popover is rendering, as I can see it in the html in the console. It seems that the class that gets generated that is .popover has some css attatched to it that looks like
:not(.show).fade {
opacity: 0;
When I disable this css, the popover is visible. One other thing is that the popover is within a form.
Does anybody have any idea why the popover renders but does not appear, and how I could fix that?
Not sure if this is the correct fix, or if this is just a workaround, but using this I was able to make it so that the opacity gets set to 1 (which makes it visible somehow) by setting
.popover.fade.left.in {
opacity: 1;
filter: alpha(opacity=100);