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How to implement the OAuth2 Authorization code grant with PKCE for a React single page application?

In our organization, we use our own custom Oauth2 provider (which does not have “.well-known/OpenID-configuration” discovery endpoint because it id not OIDC provider). We have a React single page application (SPA) which acts as Oauth2 client, this SPA uses OAuth2 endpoints (authorize, toke & revoke) of the custom OAuth2 provider to authorize end-users.

For a React SPA, is there any library/SDK available to implement the OAuth2 Authorization code grant(with PKCE) for a custom OAuth2 provider?.

We could find React OAuth libraries for well know providers like Google, Facebook, Auth0. But we could not find any generic React OAuth library for a custom OAuth Provider. Auth0 React script: Google: FaceBook:

Can I use a Native (app) React library for SPA ?. Can I use this native reactive library It supports both OAuth2 and OIDC providers. Our custom OAuth provider does not have a “.well-known/OpenID-configuration” discovery endpoint. So we will specify our OAuth endpoints in the configuration

const config = {
  clientId: '<your-client-id>',
  clientSecret: '<your-client-secret>',
  redirectUrl: ‘redirectURL', 
  scopes: ['email:accounts:read'], /
  serviceConfiguration: {
    authorizationEndpoint: 'https://OAuthProvider/oauth/authorize',
    tokenEndpoint: 'https://OAuthProvider/oauth/token',
    revocationEndpoint: 'https://OAuthProvider/oauth/revoke',

I tried to use the below library but it works with only OIDC provider because it uses OIDC discovery “.well-known/OpenID-configuration” to find OIDC endpoints. But our custom OAuth provider does not have a discovery channel.

Initially, we thought of using implicit flow but it is not recommended.


  • Generally I recommend this library - which is probably the most respected option out there:

    You can set endpoints explicitly if needed if you have no discovery endpoint. However, it will depend a little on your OAuth2 provider capabilities.

    See also this sample:

    2021 UPDATE

    There have been 2 changes in recent times that impact my previous answer, meaning the above options are no longer the optimal choice:

    • More recent browser cookies (SameSite=strict) are considered stronger
    • Browsers drop 3rd party cookies in some parts of the SPA flow, eg when renewing tokens via a hidden iframe

    These days the preferred solution is to involve an API in the OAuth work, to solve these problems. It is a little tricky to understand, but the goal is to avoid adversely impacting other parts of the SPA architecture: