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Migration on two schemas

I have 2 schemas on my db:schema1 and public and I want to create some tables there. I tried code like this in my migration:

return knex.schema

    .raw('CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS schema1;')

    .createTableIfNotExists('table1', table => {


    .createTableIfNotExists('table2', table => {

And I hoped to have: schema1.table1 and public.table2 but I don't. Any ideas how to do that?


  • Belayer is quite correct in the comments, but I'll expand into an answer to demonstrate the syntax. You'll also need to avoid doing things like:

    createTableIfNotExists('schema1.table1', table => {

    per Identifier Syntax, this won't work: just get into the habit of always using withSchema.

    Further, I don't recommend issuing subsequent createTables without waiting for the previous one to finish. While it might work, I think you'll run into trouble with relations etc. That makes your original code more like:

    exports.up = knex =>
        .raw("CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS schema1")
        .then(() =>
          knex.withSchema("schema1").createTableIfNotExists("table1", table => {
        .then(() =>
          knex.withSchema("public").createTableIfNotExists("table2", table => {