I have a string, list1
that I'm converting to a list in order to compare it with another list, list2
, to find common elements.
The following code works, but I need to replace '
with "
in the final output, since it will be used in TOML front matter.
list1 = "a b c"
list1 = list1.split(" ")
print list1
>>> ['a','b','c']
list2 = ["b"]
print list(set(list1).intersection(list2))
>>> ['b']
**I need ["b"]**
New to python. I've tried using replace() and searched around, but can't find a way to do so. Thanks in advance.
I'm using Python 2.7.
Like any other structured text format, use a proper library to generate TOML values. For example
>>> import toml
>>> list1 = "a b c"
>>> list1 = list1.split(" ")
>>> list2 = ["b"]
>>> v = list(set(list1).intersection(list2))
>>> print(v)
>>> print(toml.dumps({"values": v}))
values = [ "b",]