I've been trying to do this for the last 2 hours with no success, I'm sure it's something really simple :)
So, I have form where users can search things based on some keywords. Here's the form code:
<%= form_tag search_by_description_path,:method => "get" do %>
<div class="column span-3">
<div class="column span-5">
<input type="text" name="search_keywords" id="search_keywords"/>
<div class="column span-6">
<%= collection_select :category,:id,Category.all,:id,:name,:include_blank => "Everything" %>
<div class="column span-3">
<%= submit_tag "search" %>
<% end %>
I have this in the routes.rb
get "search_by_description" => "search#search_by_description",:as => "search_by_description"
I have this in the controller:
def search_by_description
category = params[:category_id]
kw = params[:search_keywords]
@results = Posts.where("description LIKE ?","%#{kw}%").page(params[:page])
Ignore the fact that I'm not keeping track of category_id
. In my view I have this:
<%= render "results",:locals => {:results => @results} %>
<%= paginate(@results) %>
The problem is, the when I go to the second page, I don't see anything displayed. Looking in the console, I noticed something that for the 1st page, the following SQL gets generated:
SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts" WHERE (description LIKE '%lorem%') ORDER BY id LIMIT 25 OF
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "posts" WHERE (description LIKE '%lorem%')
while for the second only:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "posts" WHERE (description LIKE '%lorem%') LIMIT 25 OFFSET 25
Please give me some suggestions, I don't want to resort to writing my own pagination :)
The root cause of this problem is ActiveRecord 3.0's bug, which will be fixed in ActiveRecord 3.1 https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/d5994ee https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/28c73f0
And I did a monkeypatch on Kaminari to work with ActiveRecord 3.0 https://github.com/amatsuda/kaminari/blob/9d0eebe38e2a22fb8100e491a6d94839d76c868f/lib/kaminari/models/active_record_relation_methods.rb#L7-11
In short, updating your Kaminari gem to the newest one will fix your problem. Thanks!