As far as I understand shared_ptr it contains a pointer to a control block which contains the raw pointer strong count and weak count.
I'm in a situation where I need lock-free allocation, so I can allocate a raw pointer from the pool allocated memory and then make a unique pointer with a custom deleter to put it back in the pool, so far so good.
In the case of a shared_ptr however if I construct a shared pointer with one of these raw pointers and custom allocators does it allocate the control block at that point?
If it does is there a way to provide the memory for the control block in a lock-free way?
In the case of a shared_ptr however if I construct a shared pointer with one of these raw pointers and custom allocators does it allocate the control block at that point?
If it does is there a way to provide the memory for the control block in a lock-free way?
's constructor has overloads that accept a custom allocator.
Refer to some shared_ptr
(I'm not entirely clear whether the deleter will also be allocated by your custom allocator.)