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Rails - Google Translate API : ArgumentError: unknown keyword: project

I have this code that was working on my rails app that is using google Translate API, but on my last commit to heroku I got the error

ArgumentError: unknown keyword: project 

It seems that my google analytics is not working neither. Don't know what is causing the error. Maybe you have a hint ?

translate = project: "my_project"
description_translation = translate.translate params[:description], to: 'en'
update_attribute(:description, description_translation)


  • project was an alias for project_id. It was deprecated since version 1.1.0 of the library.

    Your code presumably stopped working because you updated the library to version 2.0.0 (or above) - since here, in this PR, support for the project parameter was fully dropped.

    To fix this error, simply rename project to project_id.

    Also take note of any other potentially-breaking changes here, in the CHANGELOG. As shown in that link, you may wish to temporarily use version: :v2 to help ease the migration if there are further complications.