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Google Chart google.visualization.arrayToDataTable: How can I pass a formatted string

I have created the following string in PHP

["Month", "Points", {role: "style"}, "Goal", {role: "annotation"}],
["JAN", 3, "#4a7dae", 6.5, ""],
["FEB", 2, "#4a7dae", 6.5, ""],
["MAR", 3, "#4a7dae", 6.5, ""],
["APR", 1, "#4a7dae", 6.5, ""],
["MAY", 2, "#4a7dae", 6.5, ""],
["JUN", 1, "#4a7dae", 6.5, "Goal (6.5)"]

and want the same to use in Google Chart data

The above string I have grabbed in a JavaScript variable (str_data) and tried like this

var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([str_data]);

but getting the following error:

jsapi_compiled_default_module.js:23 Uncaught (in promise) Error: First row is not an array.
    at gvjs_rba (jsapi_compiled_default_module.js:23)
    at Object.gvjs_Tl [as arrayToDataTable] (jsapi_compiled_default_module.js:25)
    at prev_year_chart_callback_function (evd-all.js?ver=1.0:212)

UPDATE (PHP code) The following code runs inside a loop and creates one row at a time.

$model_str = '["Month", "Points", {role: "style"}, "Goal", {role: "annotation"}],';
if ( $row_index === count( $assoc_array ) - 1 ) {
    $model_str .= '["' . $unix_month_start_formatted . '", ' . $assoc_array[ $key ] . ', "#4a7dae", ' . $prior_season_goal_point . ', "Goal (' . $prior_season_goal_point . ')"],';
} else {
    $model_str .= '["' . $unix_month_start_formatted . '", ' . $assoc_array[ $key ] . ', "#4a7dae", ' . $prior_season_goal_point . ', ""],';


  • instead of trying to pass json as a string

    build the json in php, then pass the encoded json as a string

    // create column headings
    $model_str = [];
    $columns = [];
    $columns[] = "Month";
    $columns[] = "Points";
    $columns[] = ["role" => "style"];
    $columns[] = "Goal";
    $columns[] = ["role" => "annotation"];
    $model_str[] = $columns;
    // create rows
    $row = [];
    if ( $row_index === count( $assoc_array ) - 1 ) {
        $row[] = $unix_month_start_formatted;
        $row[] = $assoc_array[$key];
        $row[] = "#4a7dae";
        $row[] = $prior_season_goal_point;
        $row[] = "Goal (" . $prior_season_goal_point . ")";
    } else {
        $row[] = $unix_month_start_formatted;
        $row[] = $assoc_array[$key];
        $row[] = "#4a7dae";
        $row[] = $prior_season_goal_point;
        $row[] = "";
    $model_str[] = $row;
    // return json
    echo json_encode($model_str);

    then, assuming you're using ajax to get the data, set the type to json...

      url: '...',
      dataType: 'json'