I am using RealmSwift in a project. I have a model as below
@objc final class Diary : Object, Codable {
@objc dynamic public var id: Int = 1
@objc dynamic public var notes: String = ""
public func persistDiary(){
let realm = StorageServiceManager.shared.getRealm()
try realm.write {
I wrote few Diary objects to the REALM db. I was able to fetch them also using below code
let realm = StorageServiceManager.shared.getRealm()
let notes = realm.objects(Diary.self)
After fetching those objects, I just tried updating a property of an object and the app got crashed. The code for that is as below,
var currentNotes = notes[0]
currentNotes.id = 2//This line leads to the crash
currentNotes.notes = "testing"
Console message: libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type NSException
Any help will be great, Thanks.
You need to update your object inside a write transaction. Your code should look something like:
let realm = try! Realm()
let notes = realm.objects(Diary.self)
if let currentNotes = notes[0] {
try! realm.write {
currentNotes.id = 2//This line leads to the crash
currentNotes.notes = "testing"
To make a copy of your object, you can do it like this:
let currentNoteCopy = Diary(value: notes[0])
currentNoteCopy.id = 2