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Typo3 8 LTS: CKEditor Dropdown Width

I love the new CKEditor in Typo3, much better than the old RTE.

But I have an question about its configuration: Is it possible to increase the width of the dropdowns? I've tried the tips:

.cke_combo_text { width:auto !important; }
.cke_combopanel { height:600px !important; }

But it doesn't work. Any tips?

Inrease the dropdown width


  • Found it! We are using our own template-distribution.

    You have to add in the ext_tables.php

    //Overwrite BE-Stylings if needed. e.g. increase the select-width of ckeditor for Inline- / Block-Styles

    if( TYPO3_MODE == "BE"){ $GLOBALS['TBE_STYLES']['skins']['backend']['stylesheetDirectories']['[your_ext_key]'] = 'EXT:[your_ext_key]/Resources/Private/Backend/'; }

    Then you can add a stylesheet:

    eg. typo3conf/ext/[your_ext_key]/Resources/Private/Backend/rte_ckeditor.scss

    .cke_combopanel {
        min-width: 35rem !important;
        .cke_panel_frame {
            min-width: 35rem !important;