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is there a way to substring an array?

i want to substring an array given by the query

CONTROLLER (EX. value (Year_Report_2019, Year_Report_2020)


 $tables = \DB::select("SHOW TABLES WHERE Tables_in_database LIKE '%Year_Report_%'");

    foreach($tables as $this){

     $get= substr($this,-4);

     $store[] = $get;

BLADE want show result of (2019,2020)

{{implode(",", $store)}}


substr() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given


  • You parsed your result wrong. (avoid using variable name $this)

    $tables = \DB::select("SHOW TABLES WHERE Tables_in_database LIKE '%Year_Report_%'");
    foreach($tables as $table){
        $store[] = substr($table->Tables_in_database,-4);