I created a single instance broker with Amazon MQ, and were able to subscribe to the broker with just username and password using Eclipse Paho MQTT Client.
The code:
//sample endpoint from Amazon MQ
final String WIRE_LEVEL_ENDPOINT = "ssl://b-1234a5b6-78cd-901e-2fgh-3i45j6k178l9-1.mq.us-east-2.amazonaws.com:8883";
final String ACTIVE_MQ_USERNAME = "user";
final String ACTIVE_MQ_PASSWORD = "password";
// Specify the topic name and the message text.
final String topic = "whatever";
final String text = "Hello from Amazon MQ!";
// Create the MQTT client and specify the connection options.
final String clientId = "abc123";
final MqttClient client = new MqttClient(WIRE_LEVEL_ENDPOINT, clientId);
final MqttConnectOptions connOpts = new MqttConnectOptions();
// Pass the username and password.
// Create a session and subscribe to a topic filter.
// Create a message.
final MqttMessage message = new MqttMessage(text.getBytes());
// Publish the message to a topic.
client.publish(topic, message);
System.out.println("Published message.");
// Wait for the message to be received.
// Clean up the connection.
Running the code above shows that I am able to subscribe to the topic and also receive the message that I've sent.
However, doing the same with mosquitto_sub client, it gives me protocol error:
mosquitto_sub -h host -p 8883 -u user -P password -t whatever -i abc123
Error: A network protocol error occurred when communicating with the broker.
And I searched on how to make connection to MQTT Broker with SSL. I found out that I need to set a certificate for the client.
But how come in java it worked without any certificate set???
Because to enable SSL support with mosquitto_sub
you have to pass either --cafile
or --capath
. Without them the app will not even try to create a secure connection.
It works in java because it has access to the list of public CA certs to check the brokers cert against. mosquitto_sub
doesn't have that list so you need to pass it a cert to validate against.