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how to install opendaylight sodium in cent os 7

how to install opendaylight sodium in cent os 7. how to get opendaylight web console UI.

how to deploy a basic SDN setup using mininet


    • List item

    download rpm package for ODL ODL rpm package

    • rpm -ivh your_rpm_package_ver.rpm
    • go ODL installed path
    • .bin/karaf

    after that ODL terminal will be available for to use.

    • Press tab for a list of available commands Typing [cmd] --help will
    • show help for a specific command. Press ctrl-d or type
    • system:shutdown or logout to shutdown OpenDaylight.

    to get ODL ui you have to install some karaf features Installing and Listing available features

    • feature:install
    • feature:list
    • and more

    for more information Please check Documentation ODL beginner doc.