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Gradle - How to get task output from subproject

I'm new to Gradle. I have a sample project structure like this:

├── build.gradle
├── settings.gradle
└── subA
    └── build.gradle

In subA project, there is a task, let call, goInsideSubA() and this task can return a string (something like) "this is inside subA project"

Here is my sample context:


task goInsideSubA() {
    def string = "this is inside subA project"
// rootA/build.gradle

task showInsideSubA() {
    doLast {
        // how can I get the string from :subA:goInsideSubA task here
// settings.gradle

include ':subA'

My question is how can I get that string "this is inside subA project" for the task showInsideSubA() in rootA project to reuse?


  • I found a solution, by using "task properties":

    task goInsideSubA() {
        ext {
            myString = "this is inside subA project"
    // rootA/build.gradle
    task showInsideSubA() {
        doLast {
            println tasks.getByPath(':subA:goInsideSubA').myString
    // settings.gradle
    include ':subA'


    $ gradle -q showInsideSubA
    > this is inside subA project