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Cloud build permission denied when deploy to cloud run with "--set-sql-instance" argument

I'm trying to configure cloud build triggers which build maven springboot project and then deploy to cloud runs. I run into a problem where it works when i don't specify the cloud sql instance to be connected with, but when I add "--set-cloudsql-instances", "${_DATABASE_CONNECTION_NAME}" as one of the args, it throws error on cloud build as follows:

Step #1: ERROR: ( PERMISSION_DENIED: The caller does not have permission
Finished Step #1
ERROR: build step 1 "" failed: exit status 1

Following is my cloudbuild.yml

  - name: ''
      - --cache=true
  - name: ''
    args: [
      "beta", "run",
      "deploy", "${_SERVICE_NAME}-${_PROFILE}",
      "--image", "${PROJECT_ID}/${_IMAGE_NAME}",
      "--region", "${_REGION}",
      "--platform", "managed",
      "--set-cloudsql-instances", "${_DATABASE_CONNECTION_NAME}",

and I already set roles/permission for service account as follow:

  • {PROJECT_ID}[email protected] : Editor, Cloud Sql Client <-- Default SA
  • <Cloud run service agent> : Cloud Run Service Agent, Cloud SQL Client
  • <Cloud Build SA> : Cloud Build SA, Cloud Run Admin

My Cloud Run service also use default service account as its SA


  • Make sure you've also given the Cloud Build Service Account the iam.serviceAccountUser role, allowing it to impersonate the Cloud Run runtime service account during the build.

    gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding
      [email protected]
      --member="serviceAccount:[email protected]"

    See Cloud Run deployment permissions for more info.