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Changing a list of tables to a data.frame in R

Below, I first find if variables X and Y have a value that is repeated less than 4 times. I find and list these values in low.

I wonder, using BASE R, how can I transform low which is a list of tables to my desired output shown below?

Note: The data below is toy, a functional answer is appreciated.

data <- data.frame(id = c(rep("AA",4), rep("BB",2), rep("CC",2)), X = c(1,1,1,1,1,1,3,3), 
                                                                  Y = c(9,9,9,7,6,6,6,6),
                                                                  Z = 1:8)
mods <- c("X","Y")
A <- setNames(lapply(seq_along(mods), function(i) table(data[[mods[i]]], dnn = NULL)), mods)

low <- setNames(lapply(seq_along(A), function(i) A[[i]][which(A[[i]] < 4)]), names(A))

Desired output:

data.frame(id = c("CC", "AA", "AA"), value = c(3, 7, 9), = c("X", "Y", "Y"), occur = c(2, 1, 3))

#   id value occur     # `value` comes from the `names(low[[i]])`# i = 1,2                                 
# 1 CC     3        X     2     # `occur` comes from `as.numeric(low[[i]])`
# 2 AA     7        Y     1
# 3 AA     9        Y     3


  • We split the subset of columns of 'data' with 'id', loop through the list with lapply, do an inner join with merge with the corresponding stacked 'low' list of tables, Filter out the elements that are having number of rows 0 or length 0 to create 'lst1'. From 'lst1', create additional columns from the inner and outer names with Map and rbind the elements

    lst1 <- Filter(length, lapply(split(data[c('X', 'Y')], data$id), 
         function(dat) Filter(nrow, Map(merge, lapply(dat, 
            function(x) stack(table(x))), lapply(low, stack))))), c(Map(cbind, id = names(lst1), lapply(lst1, 
       function(x), c(Map(cbind, x, = names(x)),
              make.row.names = FALSE)))), make.row.names = FALSE))
    #  id values ind
    #1 AA      1   7        Y
    #2 AA      3   9        Y
    #3 CC      2   3        X