So I spent a lot of time to make those two approaches work, specially with all the ngrx operators. Yet, I'm not able to decide which would be the best approach for the use case im working on.
So I have the following case:
feature state.settings
feature state, however loading the settings from the api requires having the current user id, that i get from the previous step.My store is modeled as below:
So the two approaches i implemented to make this work was:
action that loads the settings.@Effect({dispatch: false})
loadUser$ = this.actions$
filter(([action, _isUserLoaded]) => !_isUserLoaded),
mergeMap(([action, _isUserLoaded]) => this.auth.getUserByToken()),
tap(_user => {
if (_user) { UserLoaded({ user: _user })); AllSettingsRequested()); /* Dispatch the Load Settings Action */
} else { Logout());
catchError(err => {
return of([]);
Then in the Settings Effect I can simply add the following:
export class SettingsEffects {
loadSettings = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe(
mergeMap( ([action, user]) =>
this.settingsService.getSettings( )
map(s => {
return new AllSettingsLoaded({settings: s.model});
Approach works fine, however dispatching the SettingsRequest action from the UserLoaded effect does not feel right.
Second approach is just initiate the SettingsRequested action on page load, and make the effect wait till the user data is loaded and then call the settings api and load the settings.
export class SettingsEffects implements OnInitEffects {
loadSettings = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe(
mergeMap(action => {
console.log("im here");
return combineLatest(
skipWhile(([action, currentUser]) => {
console.log('Checking Current User.. ' + currentUser);
return (!currentUser);
mergeMap( ([action, user]) =>
this.settingsService.getSettings( )
map( (s) => {
return new AllSettingsLoaded({settings: s.model});
/* Dispatch the action on page load */
ngrxOnInitEffects(): Action {
return { type: SettingsActionTypes.AllSettingsRequested };
As you can see the effect here got more complex, however, i don't need to dispatch the SettingsRequest action from the userload effect like the first approach.
I hope i was able to articulate the problem and the two approaches. My question is, which approach makes more sense, in terms of ngrx best practices?
I would opt for a third approach.
Instead of dispatching UserLoaded
and AllSettingsRequested
from approach one, I would just dispatch UserLoaded
. The settings effect can listen to this action and fetch the settings. By doing this you can also don't have to read the user id from the store, since it exists on the UserLoaded