I have a project written in c++ using codelite IDE. I compiled it windows, Ubuntu and Fedora successfully an I created installers for all of them (for Ubuntu a .deb package and for Fedora a .rpm package).
Recently, I could compile it in my macOS (10.14) an it works perfectly, and want to create a package in macOS (.app or .pkg). It should be noted that my software has a lot of dependencies such as OpenGL frameworks and wxWidgets libraries and many libraries which I installed through brew and Xcode.
As mentioned my project is in codelite which does not generate a framework or .app package. What should I do in this step?
Creating a .app bundle on the Mac is a relatively complex process - amongst other things, it has to be signed and notarised, and to do that you need to enroll in Apple's developer program ($99 per year).
So, because of that, I'd recommend creating an Xcode project to to the job. Once you have that, all the steps are automated. You will also be in a position to submit your app to the App Store, should you wish to.
A good way to build installer packages is to use Stephan Sudré's Packages application, which you can get here:
Don't worry that it isn't signed - it's perfectly safe.