Finding the version of Windows 10 via registry is easy enough, but determining if Home, Pro or Enterprise not-so-much if looking for those words NOT in English.
In Win32_OperatingSystem\Caption I can see e.g. "Microsoft Windows 10 Pro"
Is there some key to check via a non-language specific way because "Home" is not the case in, say, French where is Famille and Pro is Professionnel.
Adding each possible language variation to code is beyond ugly.
For the use case I have there is a simple if/then to follow since I ONLY care about Home editions of Windows 10:
You can parse the result of a WMI query of Win32_OperatingSystem\Caption. As far as I could determine, other than France, look for "Home". France got "Famille". Fine, they are very, very big on frowning on non-French words for anything. If neither of those then use the the Win32_OperatingSystem\OperatingSystemSKU. 2,3,5 and 26 are all Home edition.
@magicandre1981 suggesting the GetProductInfo API doesn't work given this is for use via WMI, nevertheless that API underpins WMI. Nothing there that would make a difference.
All of this falls WAY short of a bullet-proof way to know what a user actually has, but it is but IMHO works to weed out Home edition users. If anyone has a better way, please post.