Iam sending request to log in into the web, but i logged manualy checked what server sended me back and tried to copy this json format and edit it. But with no success.
logindata = {"p_json": {"salt": "37832371416286084378080214994328475118",
"pageItems": {"itemsToSubmit": [{"n": "P101_LINGUA_RILEVATA", "v": ""},
{"n": "P101_USERNAME", "v": "XXXXXXXXX"},
{"n": "P101_PASSWORD", "v": "YYYYYYYYY"},
{"n": "P101_LINGUA", "v": "it"}],
"protected": "JipTylR4bB8lKI8I2VBSlQ",
"rowVersion": ""}},
"p_flow_id:": 112,
"p_flow_step_id": 101,
"p_instance": 14658069797106,
"p_page_submission_id": 173195393854667729155471500057846249278,
"p_request": "P101_LOGIN",
"p_reload_on_submit": "A"}
Here you can see what i try to send, but if i compare this json with fiddler and post request which i do by logging to the website, this isn´t correct. This is how my json looks like in post request: enter image description here
and it should be in this format: enter image description here
Iam able to change salt, and other security params but why my Json in pic 1 is not same like the original post?
I tried to format variable login data with many ways but with no success to see in the fiddler proper format of the sended request
Solved, There is neccesary to iterate for all keys and for each key do json.dumps() to ensure that the strings will be sended in keys.