Running XAMPP for Windows 7.2.6. Below is my MariaDB art table from the database.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM art LIMIT 50";
$st = $conn->prepare( $sql );
$row = $st->fetch();
$conn = null;
if (isset($row)) {
echo "row has value";
foreach ($row as $value) {
echo "<a href=\"/admin.php?action=editProducts&product=" . $value[0] . "\"><img src=\"" . $value[2] .
"\" width=\"75\" height=\"75\" title=\"" . $value[6] . "\"></a>";
echo "<br>";
HTML Image Links when I inspect the source
<a href="/admin.php?action=editProducts&product=a"><img src=" " width="75" height="75" title="c" ></a>
row has value is printing to the browser and I'm seeing in the debugger that the $row array has the proper values. I can't figure out why it's only pulling 1 random character from the art table instead of the proper values, and my error code for each row is:
Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 1
As you are using
$row = $st->fetch();
this is just a single row of data from the table, so then using
foreach ($row as $value) {
just loops across the fields in that 1 row. You need to change it so that the first part retrieves all of the rows in one go using fetchAll()
$row = $st->fetchAll();
You probably then should change the value to $rows
just for semantic purposes (just to say it is a set of rows and not just one row).