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How do I setup an endpoint for amp-consent?

I have no idea what code I need to place in the document referenced by the URL for checkConsentHref.

I've used the example code from

I know the checkConsentHref should be my own url, but what document needs to go in that location and what code should go in it?

<amp-consent layout="nodisplay" id="consent-element">
<script type="application/json">
  "consents": {
    "my-consent": {
      "checkConsentHref": "",
      "promptUI": "consent-ui"

I expect there to be some function at checkConsentHref location to take some kind of action.


  • I found a good explanation here: About consent

    A CORS endpoint can be specified via the checkConsentHref attribute. The amp-consent component will check via a POST request if the consent UI needs to be shown. The response to this request should look like this:

      "promptIfUnknown": true
      "promptIfUnknown": false

    So you can add there e.g First time I saw this url, I thought that it is only exapmle, but it works. This url store information about showing the consent. You can check it in your JS console. will returns "promptIfUnknown": true or "promptIfUnknown": false based on previous user action

    I do not know If it is a good practice to use this "example" url instead own.